Tushar silawat presets__lightroom free preset

Tushar silawat presets || Lightroom free presets download

Lightroom Presets

Hello friends how are you all hope you all are well. Friends, in today’s article, I have brought Tushar silawat presets for all of you. This is a lightroom preset. Which you can edit your photo like that by doing it in your mobile. So if you want to use that preset too, then you have to download it. To download which you have to read our article completely. We have uploaded some more such presets on our website. Which you can download for free.


Tushar silawat presets download :-

You must have known Tushar. He has millions of followers on Instagram. He first became popular with Tik Tok. And after that after the arrival of reels, their popularity became more and more. You must have seen the photos on their Instagram. They are all in the same color. And most of all are creative. So if you want to color grade your photos like them, then you have to download this preset.


Tushar silawat presets_lightroom free preset

Pro tip :- While exporting in the lightroom, its settings should be something like this. File Type – JPAG, Dimension – Largest Avilable Dimensions, Quality – 100% is all you need to do these settings and your photo will be saved to the limit.


Note: – The light of all the photos is clicked with different and different cameras. So for that you will have to make some adjustments after applying the presets. After which your photos will be ready in the same way.

How to download Tushar silawat presets :-

1. Click on the download link given below.
2. After that you will go to the drive page.
3. All photos will be seen.
4. Tap to open on one side.
5. Then the download arrow will appear above the photos, click on it and download it.

Download now

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