Make your own logo :- Hello friends my name is Rajan and in today’s article I will teach you how to make your own logo. For that you have to download an application from playstore. Whose name is picsart. Only with the help of this will teach you how to do this editing. With which you can easily create your own people. If you want to make your logo, then you have to download some font and png use in it. Which if you read this article completely, then you will understand from where you have to download.
About your own logo :-
If you do photography or photo editing then you will need a logo. This is a type of mark or symbol that shows that this object or this photo is yours. It is like a seal, after applying it, the photo is known by your name. That this photo has been developed by you. By reading this article completely, you can know how to make this .
How to make your own logo :-
First of all you have to add your font in picsart or if you have premium version of picsart then fonts are already available in it. Using which you can create your logo.
Stock sample :-

How to download fonts :-
Click on the green download button given below. Then you will go to the drive. There you have to tap on anyone and open it. And download it by clicking on the download arrow given above.
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